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Scheduling a Livestream

A step-by-step guide to scheduling your first livestream.

Written by IT Support
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Stream

To create a livestream go to Dashboard > Streams, and hit the "Create Stream" button.

It only takes a few minutes to fill in all the information for your stream.

Some things to keep in mind

  • Title: All of your stream titles should be unique

  • Start Date & Time: Schedule your stream whenever you like, to test stream you can choose the next available time and join the stream up to half an hour early.

  • Duration: Stream duration can be up to 5 hours. You can always go over your scheduled time [we will not cut it off automatically], or feel free to finish streaming earlier if you wish.

  • Cover image: Upload your own (at least 1200x675 px, and max 5MB), or choose a color and design for our auto-generated version.

  • Speakers: There are a few things to keep in mind when adding guests

    • Twitter: feel free to add your co-host's Twitter handle if you want it to appear on your stream's registration page

    • Add this person to the cover: choosing this option will add your co-host to the cover image as well as the stream page. So, if you're planning on having a surprise guest, or invite a moderator, don't select this option.

    • Make co-host: choosing this option gives the speaker access to modify your participant list and moderate the stream, so only choose this option if you want them to have these privileges.

  • Files: If you want your stream participants to have access to some files or URLs, you can add them here. You can upload all common file types as long as they are a maximum of 25MB each.

  • Maximum number of viewers: Use this for exclusive events, if you want to limit the number of people who can attend. By default, there is no limit to the number of viewers.

Stream Payment Options

Superpeer gives you the ability to customize the payment of your stream in many ways.

Choose a subscriber type:

  • All subscribers: anyone can subscribe to your channel for free and view this stream

  • Paid subscribers: anyone who pays for a monthly or annual subscription to your channel can view this stream

Choose whether you will require additional payment

  • Fixed price: set a fixed price for each subscriber level you have. For example, free subscribers can attend the stream for $10, but paid subscribers can attend for free.

  • Donation: set a minimum donation amount you will accept from anyone who wants to attend the stream.


Choose whether you will open your stream up to freemium viewers!

  • By toggling on the freemium option, you give your viewers the option to register and attend your event for free. However, as a freemium viewer, they will need to upgrade to whatever paid option you have set if they'd like to interact. Click here to learn more

Saving your stream

Choose whether you want to hide the stream from your profile page and whether you want to notify your subscribers by email. You can choose to un-hide the stream from your profile after publishing, but notifying your subscribers must be done at the time you post the event.

Once you're ready to save your event, you have 2 options:

  • Publish: Once your stream is published, you are still able to make changes to most of the stream's settings. However, If you have chosen not to notify your subscribers at the time you publish the event, this can not be changed later.

  • Save as Draft: This will save your livestream so you can come back to it later. Your stream is not yet published, and therefore registration is not open. You can change all details.

Your published streams, as well as drafts, will appear under Dashboard > Streams > Scheduled.

Cancelling a stream

If you need to cancel a stream (under a 3-dot menu), we will notify everyone who registered about the cancellation (you can add a personal message as well!)

Editing stream details

To make changes to a published or draft stream, just click "Edit" in the stream's menu tab.

Want to stream using an OBS? Check out this article to learn how!


Now you can share the link to your livestream's landing page and get your audience registered.

Check out your Stream Analytics

Once you start getting registrations, you can hit the "Analytics" button to see a list of people who are registered for your stream.

To learn more about Stream Analytics, check out this article!

Remember, for paid events, a 50% attendance rate is considered average, so plan on half of the registered people to show up.

Also, check out our article on Hosting your First Livestream.

Have questions? Shoot us a message anytime at [email protected]!

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